
Kid Chat: Backpack Blessing

Hi, friends! It’s Pastor Abby and I am joined by my puppy Thule who you might have met at church before. Thule would you like to say hello to the kids? No, you’re busy with your tennis ball? We’ll let Thule keep chasing his tennis ball, but both Thule and I are wishing you all a very special start to your new school year. We watch as that big yellow bus drives up our street every morning and loads in some kids as they head off to school. The start of a new school year can be exciting. It can be a little nerve-racking. Tt can be really fun to see some friends that we might not have seen every day over the summer … and so Thule and I are wishing you a big success this year in all the things that you will learn and grow and be curious about. On Sunday we took a little time to say a special blessing over our backpacks. Because backpacks, they’ve got a big job to do right? They’re carrying our homework and our lunches and our supplies and all these things to and from school every day. So if you have a second, you can grab your backpack as you listen to this and we will pray a special blessing over your backpacks as you start this new school year. 

Will you pray with me?

Dear God, 

As we get ready to start another year in school we ask your blessing on these backpacks and especially on the children who will wear them. 

As they do the very important work of being students, bless them with eagerness to learn that the world may grow large, respect for teachers and students- that they may form healthy relationships, love for nature -that they may become caretakers of your creation, happiness when learning is easy and stick-to-it-iveness when it is hard, faith in Jesus as their best teacher and closest friend. 

We ask that you would protect, these your own children, watch over them and keep them safe as they travel to and from school. 

As they learn help him also to discover the different gifts that you have given each of them to be used in your work in the world. 

As they hear the many voices that will fill their days, help them to listen most carefully for your voice – the one that tells them you love them always no matter what. 

We ask this in your name, Jesus, 
