
Sunday Drive-in Services

Worship leadership will move into the sanctuary for the first time in many months. The following are important for everyone to know:

Plexiglas has been installed in front of the altar, pulpit and cantor’s stand. These will enable leaders to talk/sing/chant without a mask. Seating has been arranged such that physical distancing complies with protocols. 


  1. If you are sick or have been in contact with someone who is sick, stay home.
  2. You must wear a mask. No exceptions. Hand sanitizer will be available, but you may want to bring your own, and to wipe down your space before leaving.
  3. You must enter through the narthex and exit by means of the side doors of the sanctuary. Your temperature will be taken on the way into the church.
  4. There will be no singing inside of the nave by anyone but those behind the Plexiglas.
  5. There will be no sharing of the peace by physical contact.
  6. Communion will be in one kind only, as has been our practice since March. (The host wafer will be affixed in a safe bag to your bulletin.)
  7. You must keep your distance, except that families may sit together.
  8. There will be a limit of 45 worshippers in the sanctuary.
  9. Offerings will be placed in the plate on the way into the space.


  1. The service will be broadcast on our FM channel so you may still hear the service from the parking lot in your car. (88.5 FM) We strongly urge that you consider staying in your car if you are reluctant to be indoors.
  2. The service will be recorded and can be accessed from the church web site later on Sunday.
  3. The nave continues to be open for a small number of people on Saturdays for prayer and meditation.

Our goal is to provide a safe place for worship. You have been a compliant congregation. This is not a time to become lax as we look toward an end to this crisis. 

Sunday School and Confirmation this week are on Thanksgiving break. Both will begin again on December 6. 

Pastor Paul will be on vacation beginning November 30 and will return December 11. Father Leo McIlrath will preach on December 6. If there are emergencies, Pastor Paul will have his cell phone (781-626-2871.)